Contact us to discuss unique marketing opportunities to promote your business!

Contact us to discuss unique marketing opportunities to promote your business!
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You asked for it...and now its here!
6 passengers and a big payload.....The Cessna Turbo 206....the SUV of the skies!
Hello, I’m your pilot, Dean Matt, The Pickleball Pilot. I've been flying since high school.
Recently relocated from Chicago's suburbs to Florida's Sun Coast, over the years I've flown in over 35 states, the Bahamas and Canada with golf clubs in tow. My co-pilot and partner on our amazing aviation and golf journeys is my spirited and daring wife, Luanne.
Recently retired from the world of finance, we finally have time to enjoy our exhilarating lifestyle. We look forward to logging more fun aviation adventures across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. Who knows - maybe we'll even set a few world records along the way!
Mucho-Dean-Aero is available to fly "laps" around the United States in our plane stopping in all states and generating national exposure and sponsorship opportunities for your company. We offer truly unique and powerful national and local marketing/sponsorship opportunities with unparalleled exposure in unforgettable events.
We specialize in “50-50-50” type of events:
Along the way, there are virtually unlimited sponsorship opportunities for national brands in all industries:
We will work with your team to tailor a customized route to showcase your products/facilities/locations for maximum exposure. Then, at each stop we'll have media events and work with your local team or franchisees to publicize our journey with local and national media exposure.
Don't have a presence in all 50 states? No worries! We'll work with you to develop a custom route and event specifically tailored to your needs that will garner unique, maximum, and unforgettable exposure!
So climb aboard and follow our adventures!
We are travel, golf, leisure influencers and brand ambassadors for the active lifestyle, near retirement/retirement demographic.
Put our passion for aviation adventure, travel, and golf to work for your business or cause!
Welcome aboard.
Mucho-Dean-Aero (Dean Matt) and Luanne Matt
Almost lost.....Looking for the airport!
One of our favorite quick golf trips is the Grand Geneva Resort in beautiful Lake Geneva, WI. Bit of history here: In the '60s and '70s this resort was Hugh Hefner's old Playboy Club resort.
In addition to two great golf courses on property, this resort even has its own runway!
The service here is great and they even pick us up right at the runway in our golf cart and we're on the golf course in 5 minutes.
We "stretched our legs a little" on our April, 2018 trip to Scottsdale, stopping in Sedona along the way.
We've been to Sedona plenty of times in a car...but the Red Rocks are especially spectacular from the air.
We were going to take a PINK JEEP tour but after seeing Sedona from the air there was no need to!
Flying west on our Cessna 172, we faced headwinds and made the trip in about 13 hours, stopping overnight in Amarillo.
I only saw pictures of Mt. Rushmore in textbooks until our trip to the Rapid City, SD area.
Air Traffic Control must get a lot of requests from pilots like me to see this spectacle from the air because they vectored us efficiently and professionally to view the monument before landing at Rapid City airport.
90% of the time we're flying in clear weather; 9% of the time we're flying on instruments ….but still rather routine.
However, 1% of the time we fly at the minimums.....this is one of those times:
We took a quick trip up to Appleton to see Tim Allen and play some golf in Green Bay.
The ceiling was a very low 400' so we were in the "soup" and headed to rain showers within 30 seconds of take off.
If you ever wondered what this looks like from the cockpit...check this out!
Quite a scenic trip from Northern AZ down to the Valley of the Sun.
Landing on Runway 21, we traverse over mountains, golf courses, resorts, more golf courses, and more resorts landing at the very busy, very corporate "jettish" Scottsdale Airport.
A lot of expensive "iron" can be seen on the tarmac as this airport is a popular destination for corporate entertaining.
TPC Scottsdale, home of the Waste Management Open, (aka "The Greatest Show on Grass") is visible on our approach to Runway 21!
We're in the clouds shortly after take-off.....we'll do anything for a golf trip!
Big Penalty for getting this one wrong: MOUNTAINS!
When we broke out of the clouds I thought the worst was behind us....but the fun was just beginning. Then, I had to deal with 30 knot cross winds, rain, and cold!
Watch for yourself and be glad you were safely on the ground and not a passenger!
Usually we love to return home after a golf trip...but not in this crap!!
I guess Flat Tires on landing happen once in a while..
We found a few resorts that combine an on property casino, a great outdoor pool, great dining, and an on property golf course.
Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ is one of our favorites as is Riverside Golf Resort and Casino just outside Iowa City.... home of the University of Iowa Hawkeyes.
On a recent trip we flew "in the soup" all the way from Chicago and finally broke out of the clouds about 1,000 AGL (above ground level) landing on runway 25.
Take a look for yourselves.
Left a few Birdies out there at Macatawas Legend Golf Course
Bimini the beaten path
The University of Chicago